I suppose the Internet needed another social media channel, so the folks over at Flipagram stepped up and created one. Flipagram is actually an app, and despite the fact that I think there enough social platforms already, this one is pretty cool. I especially like their logo, which reminds me of the View Master slideshow disks I used as a child.
To get started, search for Flipagram wherever you get your apps and download it to your mobile device. There is also a “send link” feature on Flipagram’s home page, but that didn’t work for me, so I downloaded mine from the App Store.
When you open your Fliagram app, click on the “Get Started” link. Then you can connect via either Facebook or Twitter. Flipagram will let you know how many of your friends (in my case, Facebook friends, since that’s how I connected to the app) are using Flipagram so you can follow them.
You can click on the plus sign (bottom of the screen) to “add moments,” which is the first step in creating a Flipagram. Authorize the app to access your photos, and you can choose images and videos stored on your device as well as those from your Facebook albums and Instagram. After you’ve selected your “moments,” you can sort them if you want. You’ll be able to re-sort them if you want before producing the video, too.
Next, add text to your photos (you can edit the text, too), filters (like Instagram), edit your images, and adjust the speed of your Flipagram. Finally, find some music you like and add it. Featured and popular songs are displayed, but you can use the search tool at the top to browse iTunes. You can pick a 30-second clip for no charge to add to your Flipagram.
The final step before producing your video is adding a caption. Then you can post it to your Flipagram profile and share it on other social media channels. I made my video 30 seconds, so I couldn’t post it to Instagram, which limits video to 15 seconds. I posted my Flipagram to Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lindanixonfulkerson/posts/10154109161562316?pnref=story) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/lindafulkerson/status/594552765491257345). Flipagram automatically adds the hashtag #flipagram to your post and credits the author of whichever song clip you picked.
Another sharing choice is to copy the link, which I did. I pasted it into my browser and saw another sharing option – embedding it. I copied the embed code, and viola! – here’s my first Flipagram, a series of moments from the day my new iMac arrived:
I’m not sure how active I’ll be on this social channel, but if you want to follow me, here’s a link to my profile – http://flipagram.com/lindafulkerson.