- Publisher: Ideas to Books
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 978-0-9725092-3-7
- Published: January 1, 2018
With a little imagination, even seemingly everyday settings/situations can be developed into a fascinating story. The Coloring Books for Writers: Scenes of Life Edition is designed to help writers brainstorm ideas that can be further developed into full-fledged stories, if desired.
This coloring workbook begins with helps for brainstorming, including a proven technique for writing your story’s premise. The next section shares scene elements and gives tips on how to use a scene’s outcome to keep readers turning those pages.
The remainder of the book contains 75 Story Starter mini-worksheets, each with a coordinating coloring page. The Story Starter topics in this book are, for the most part, all normal parts of life. Have fun by using the brainstorming/premise-writing concepts taught in the opening section to come up with interesting story ideas from these everyday scenes of life.
You can use this book in whatever way helps you brainstorm story ideas, but the following steps are a suggested method:
Step One: Brainstorm “what if?” ideas while you color each topic’s coloring page. Come up with a “What if?” question that will be the overall problem your story’s hero will face.
Step Two: Develop your story question into a premise, using the Premise Formula mini-worksheet included with each Story Starter topic.
Step Three: Use the bonus downloadable scene worksheet to brainstorm a scene that supports your premise and write that scene.
Step Four: Use the Story Notes area to jot down any ideas that you may have about a potential story on the topic you’re brainstorming about.
Step Five: If you wish to continue developing this story, make a list of all scenes needed to complete your story, and then repeat step three until you’ve written all your story scenes. Organize your scene notes in either a binder, a notebook, or by using a writing program, such as Scrivener (which is my preferred method).
Note: The first Story Starter has a premise formula example (taken from a 1960s cartoon) for you to refer to, if desired.
Have fun!